Is it Christmas yet?
The tree lighting ceremony. 7-9pm Nov 29th, NYC

'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
Everywhere you go... There's a tree in the hotel,
One in the park as well, the sterdy kind that doesn't mind the snow".
A few people called us tonight because they happenned to see the tree lighting ceremony at Rockefeller Center on TV. I have to hand it to NBC though. They mentioned 'Christmas' throughout the program, "Merry Christmas", "Christmas Tree", was what the TV hosts greeted their audience througout the program. In a day and age filled with political correct nonsense, way to go NBC, good job. However, we couldn't make it out there, we had our own Christmas tree lighting ceremony which happenned to be at the same time. Who needs Christina Aguleria, Al Roker and a 55 degree night in Manhattan? We had sake, scrubs and a seared ahi tuna salad to help ring in the Christmas holiday. Merry Christmas folks. Here's the beginning of our Christmas.
Everywhere you go... There's a tree in the hotel,
One in the park as well, the sterdy kind that doesn't mind the snow".
A few people called us tonight because they happenned to see the tree lighting ceremony at Rockefeller Center on TV. I have to hand it to NBC though. They mentioned 'Christmas' throughout the program, "Merry Christmas", "Christmas Tree", was what the TV hosts greeted their audience througout the program. In a day and age filled with political correct nonsense, way to go NBC, good job. However, we couldn't make it out there, we had our own Christmas tree lighting ceremony which happenned to be at the same time. Who needs Christina Aguleria, Al Roker and a 55 degree night in Manhattan? We had sake, scrubs and a seared ahi tuna salad to help ring in the Christmas holiday. Merry Christmas folks. Here's the beginning of our Christmas.

The tree was lit and she got the first official picture with the douglas fur.