Central Park
Being in NY, we decided to do a little exploring, eventually we made it to the upper east side, and in the middle of the concrete jungle, we found an oasis, known as Central Park. Walking through the Park, we noticed something you don't really see in San Francisco; with the trees changing from green to red, brown and yellow, and the cool crisp breeze in the air, we discovered autumn. Exhausted from our trek, we took a a break on one of the park benches, and in an effort to capture the beauty and tranquility of the moment, we snapped the below photos (pictures normally found in either holiday inn hotel rooms or on the streets of NYC being hustled by the many street vendors).
chillin in central park,,,it was soooo cold!!!
Still in the Park, with some of thee most highly valued and sought after real estate in the world in the background. For people who have the means to be able to afford a place in front of the park is quite extrodinary. We're talking multi-million dollar 2 bedroom condos, with about 1,000 square feet. Laurie and I are planning on getting one next week.
Alwin, this is for you
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