A Southern California Style Thanksgiving
After a harsh NYC November, we headed for the sunny shores of California to give thanks with Laurie's in-laws. So we packed our bags, took the shuttle to JFK and headed for the west coast. We got in late Wed night and headed to the non stop party city known as Santa Clarita, the new place we call 'home' when when visiting SoCal. Although I was born and raised in T-town (thousand oaks for y'all that don't know), my parents now live in the SCV. Sorry we didn't take pics of our thanksving dinner, but it was good. Good to see the family, good to eat the food, and just relax. But everyone knows what thanksgiving's all about. I just want to say it was a good time. Well, Thanksgiving came and went, the next day, Laurie went with Trica to a jean sample sale at 5AM! Black Friday. Well, Patrick and I woke up around noon, picked Laurie up around 2 at Justin and Tricia's place, and headed around LA. One recomendation when reading this blog, it's best read with music, this blog's theme song: how to save a life by the Fray which served as the weekend's theme song. And one last thing, I'd like to introudce to you a new feature to the blog, which I call the "bleature", in this, I reveal top secret stuff, stuff that you might not have known about me.
This week's bleature: my best friend.
This week's bleature: my best friend.

and macking! Who is Erica's boyfriend anyway?
Here's Laurie and I in front of the magic kingdom (how do you make this pic straight?)

Patrick, Tricia, Justin (welcome to the blog newcomers!),
Laurie and myself going down splash mountain - look out!
And that's the weekend folks. Here's me and my best friend, Kobe. Why is it that a dog is man's best friend? I don't know why, but he's a good friend. Happy Thanksgiving folks. We hope everyone had a good time like we did.
After a long day of touring LA and celebrating with friends, we headed to the happiest place on earth...

Patrick, Tricia, Justin (welcome to the blog newcomers!),
Laurie and myself going down splash mountain - look out!

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