How does Mike like work?

Although I've answered the question numerous times, I continually get the question. So I decided to document my exciting day which should answer the even more probing question of "what does Mike do all day?"(for those of you from the school of thought that pictures are louder than words, you'll like this blog)...
Mike tcb's. Mike tcb's all day. So what does he do exactly all day, well, here's a small slice in the life of a lowly, CPA... The alarm clock goes off and I'm up and out of bed, and after a bit of grooming...
Mike tcb's. Mike tcb's all day. So what does he do exactly all day, well, here's a small slice in the life of a lowly, CPA... The alarm clock goes off and I'm up and out of bed, and after a bit of grooming...

I'm out the door...

Down at the square, I pick up the needed subway reading material, and what a great headline for the Times that day... Demcorats Take Senate. Finally, our President is checked, and must now reach across the aisle and hopefully push for legislation in a bipartisan fashion. Democracay at it's best, people voiced their concerns, took action, and changed the leadership. Hopefully policy will follow. But, I have to say, what's wrong with California? They complain about health care, a proposition goes on the ballot to fund it, and they shoot it down. People complain about oil costs and our dependence on foreign oil, an initiative goes on the ballot to fund a study on alternative sources of fuel, and it gets shot down too. And all the other props? Are you kidding me? California voters, I'll never understand...

So I pick up my paper and head to my limo...

I get to the office, and as you can see, I'm already tcb'ing (here's me closing a multi-ka-billion dollar deal, exciting stuff)... This is the front side of my cube, the other side's a lot cooler.

After a long morning, it's time for lunch, me and some colleagues head out and sit by the Hudson River. Gorgeous day, and if you look hard enought, that's the Statue of Liberty in the middle.

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