Thursday, May 10, 2007

spring awakening

the dead of winter has passed giving way to the life of spring. after 4 months of bitter cold that forced many new yorkers into hibernation, the snow has finally melted, the sun is shinning, and nature has awakened. laurie and i wasted no time taking advantage of the warm weather taking in the sights that new york has to offer. first, we headed out to brooklyn to see the cherry blossoms (missed the full bloom by a week) in the charming brooklyn botanical gardens. getting out of the city and hiding out at the bbg was the perfect solution for some r&r.

laurie and the cherry blossoms
the cherry blossom promenade.

after the cherry blossoms, we headed over to the historic brooklyn bridge. built in 1870, spanning almost 6,000 feet across, the bridge is an impressive sight and an iconic part of the new york skyline.
laurie and i (amongst the tourists) making our way across the brooklyn bridge.

one of the great perks about this time of year, it brings out a lot of visitors. our friends andy and kurien came out from san francisco to visit us and experience ny. they came into town, took in the sights, saw some broadway shows, and one night, andy starred in the opening act of the conan o'brien show. one of the evenings, we were able to meet up with them for some dinner and late night drinks.
kurien, laurie, myself and andy toasting to friendship at central bar*.

*this location may contain highly agressive cougars who will, at times, slap, grab or pinch ass. for more information about said attacks, feel free to contact mikey or andy, vicitims of the ferocious cougars -you have been warned!!!


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