We Heart Rachel Ray!

Last night we attended Rachel Ray's book signing at the Union Square Barnes & Noble. She had a 30 minute Q & A session where we learned lots of interesting things about her. Among them were: she'll be opening up a burger bistro in New York next Fall, she was terrified of being on Iron Chef America, her TV show currently has 44,000 on its waiting list and on her $40 A Day show, when she talks about the ambiance and people more than the food, the food sucks. Mike asked her what were her favorite food cities. She said for international, Florence and for domestic, Montreal, Dallas and San Francisco!! Wow, that woman woman has so much energy! Afterwards, she signed copies of her new book "2, 4, 6, 8."

Later on that night, I met up with Julie and Dre, friends from California, who moved to NYC within the last year. It was really nice to finally hang out with friends. We started out at Central Bar and ended up dancing at Taj til 3:30 in the morning! Mike was a good sport being the only guy and SAVING us girls when creepy dudes tried to HOLLA!
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