blog theme song: such great heights - the postal service
bleature: my indulgence
so this is ny. union square, the neigborhood square for laurie and i. after being here for 3 months, now that were all settled in, the novely of this place has worn off and now, it's just home. for the past 3 months we've done a lot and have had a great time. anyone who's been reading this blog at one time or another has probably thought, wow, they must be having so much fun. the place is still terrific no doubt, but just like all of you we still wake up in the morning and put on one pant leg at a time. let me give you a run down on what we've been up to, what ny life is like.

in ny, we still have to deal with the mundane chores of everyday life. we shop for groceries (thanks to everyone for the tj's gift cards, they've been money!!). and if you ever thought that your tj's was crowded, it's nothing compared to ny's. this is at a normal time the line wraps around the entire store, all the way along the cerael isle on the left past the dairy section in the back and up through the produce section opposite from the cereal section...
we even have to clean every now and then but...

we still get out, to enjoy the lights of broadway that ny has to offer.
in ny, you have to get use to crowds. there's always something to do, but at the same time, there's always so many people so everybody is always doing something. since there's so much to do we try to do a lot of it, but at the same time since there's so many people always doing everything, we stay in and end up..
consuming a healthly dose of hardball (and reruns of scrubs, both my indulgences. i know, boring) ...
and a healthy dose of ichat (and some sweets)...
what else has been happening? well, this past week, winter finally came to ny, sure it flurried for about 5 minutes about two weeks ago, but this past week was the first time that we woke up to a blanket of snow that covered the square.
although snow isn't always welcomed by the seasoned ny'ers, it made me smile
when the snow starts to fall, it's easy to get complacent and not take advantage of all that the city has to offer. when the snow does start to fall, it's a good time to take advantage of all the museums. so first, we hit up the natural history museum. for those of you that enjoy science and technology (read: nerd) you'll love this muesum. just watch out for the billions of kids running around and the parents with strollers who'll hit you without giving it a second thought.
we also hit up the lower east side tenament museum. for all you history buffs out there, this place is for you. the museum is actually an 1860's walk up apartment restored to reflect the way that immigrants lived during the 1860's through the early 1930's. the keen observer will notice the technological advances throughout the years. the tour guide gave us a great perspective on what life was like for a new immigrant during those times. although it was tough, the community was a great provider of services for the new families helping them adjust to life in the new land. however it begs the question, was it tougher back then for immigrants to make it than today? sure we have our luxries today but in today's dog eat dog world it's still tough.